Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Raspberry Season Over
I checked the field tonight and there were no berries to be found. This is the end of a very disappointing season. Also, since no one is available to be at the store this weekend we will be closed. However, raspberry jam and lavender products are available by calling me or sending me an email. We can always arrange to meet at the store given enough notice. Have a happy weekend.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Slim Pickins
The title says it all. There are very few berries out there. I have had a few pickers during the week and they did pick the canes pretty well clean; however, if you and the family just want to have some fun and a little adventure, come on by this weekend. I am sure that you will be able to find a few hidden berries. It will be on the chilly side so dress accordingly.
The store will be open on Saturday. I have raspberry jam, lavender products, lavender bunches, lavender bath tea and other lavender products. Also, I will be having a garage sale inside my store where it is nice and warm. Come by for a visit and some hot chocolate.
The store will be open on Saturday. I have raspberry jam, lavender products, lavender bunches, lavender bath tea and other lavender products. Also, I will be having a garage sale inside my store where it is nice and warm. Come by for a visit and some hot chocolate.
Friday, October 3, 2008
October 3 - Brrrr
If you are coming up to Tehachapi this weekend, be prepared for cool weather. There are apple farms open and our store will be open. Raspberry picking will be available; however, it is alot of hunting for those ripe ones. Whatever you do this weekend, be safe and have a good time.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
September 29
Raspberry picking is now available 24/7. We were delighted to have many customers pick berries this past weekend. Even though the berries were scarce, most customers picked 1-2 lbs. With continued picking and warm weather, the berries will be more plentiful. Bring a hat and study shoes. If you bring you own containers, make sure that you weigh them before picking. There are foam boxes and directions in front of the store.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sepember 26
Conditions on the farm remain the same. There are some raspberries to pick, but very few. The store will be open on Saturday. Please come on by.
Friday, September 19, 2008
September 19
WE WILL NOT BE PICKING RASPBERRIES THIS WEEKEND. Sad to say that at this point I am not optimistic about the raspberries bursting forth into any crop large enough for a 24/7 U-Pick. The potential is there, but the berries may think that winter is coming and they may begin to shut down. On the brighter side, in past years we have picked berries into November. So we shall not give up yet. The store will be open on Saturday for Lavender and I do have Raspberry Jam.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11
Much to everyone's disappointment the raspberries are not ready for picking this week. The store will be open on Saturday.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sat. August 30
Did a search of the raspberry field this morning. There is alot of potential out there, but there is not enough activity to open for berry picking today. A person could probably glean a small amount of berries if they were very diligent. Let's hope for next week. And if you are reading this and you are someone who lives nearby, you are welcome to come pick for free today or tomorrow....happy hunting.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Week 4: Waiting and Watching
The store will be open on Saturdays beginning next Saturday, August 30; however, the raspberries will not be ready. Many of my neighbrs are saying how their gardens are slow growing this year. Perhaps mother nature knows something we don't. Sorry to disappoint all my loyal berry pickers out there. Keep checking the blog.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Week 3: Raspberry update
I will go out on a limb and say that we will have raspberries beginning Saturday, August 30. I will also have the store open that day and every Saturday until it gets cold. I will have raspberry jam and lavender and lavender products.....and maybe some surprises. Hope to see you then.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Week 2: Raspberry News
Alot of people have been calling and asking about the raspberries. We are usually in full picking season by this time in the year; however we are at least a month behind. Keep checking this blog as I will update it weekly now. Whether we have berries ready or not, the store will be open on Saturdays beginning August 30. We will have jam and lavender products.....and hopefully berry picking by then.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Week 4: Slow and Steady
The raspberries seem like they have slowed down their rate of growth. Perhaps it is much like watching water come to a takes longer if you watch it. We are still looking at the end of August for Raspberries which means that berry season will be about 6 weeks long and longer it the weather remain good through October.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Week 3: Raspberries
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Week 1: Dirt and Dreaming
One nice thing about memories is that they are there when you need them. While pulling weeds you can dream about listening to Beethoven at the Kennedy Center. While watering, pruning or deadheading flowers, one can dream of lying in the sand at Virginia Beach. While tromping around the farm hauling this and that to here and there, one can dream about cute little grandchildren's smiles and hugs. More and more I find myself dreaming....and hoping the farm will take care of itself.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Week 3: The 3 W's
Six months out the year my life is focused on the three W's: weeding, watering and wildlife. That is pretty much all that happens between now and October/November. Once in a while there is a break in the monotony when I spray a little Round Up or fertilizer. Eventually harvest time comes and it is all worth while. Raspberries will be ready for harvest in August. We may have Gala apples this year if the deer and the bugs don't decide they want them first.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Week 1: Farm Miracles
Desperation was pretty much my mood on May 23 as I headed for Utah and left the farm behind with mountains of weeds and a mile long list of farm tasks to be done. It wasn't life threatening, but I knew that this was a monumental task and I couldn't do it by myself. Long story short: Upon returning from Utah two of my former farm workers appeared looking for work. One I haven't seen for probably 5 years and one for 2 years. The miracle is that they both came when I felt hopeless and overwhelmed. The second miracle is of what they have accomplished in one week. 700 lavender plants pruned, 7 rows of berry trellis removed, weeds have disappeared, a long overdue task of removing T bars from 45 rows of now non-existent berries has been finished (that's 450+ Tbars) and the field mowed. There are some things I can do myself, but heavy work is not one of them. Tomorrow my farm helpers should have all the fields mowed, and one area rototilled. I plan to have them begin pulling down apple trees. I will whittle the orchard down from 600 trees to 300, keeping 5 rows of Galas, 5 rows of Braeburns and 5 rows of Red Delicious. The store and the barn also need to be painted this year. This weekend I will plant corn and beans and tomatoes. P.S. Really Strong Winds again the past few days. This IS the year of the wind!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
May - Blown Away
Consistent with true Tehachapi style May has been unpredictable. What should have been a good month for weeding and watering has been a month of wind and more wind. But last weekend progress was made: The well turned on and faucets checked for leaks and breaks. Drip lines are being flushed and checked for breaks. Beginning the never ending rounds of watering. All that has to come to a halt for a few days while I take the long weekend to drive to Utah for Lily's first birthday.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Week 3 & 4 - Status Quo
The wind is relentless this year. I have no control over the weather, so I just wait. The apple trees are in blossom and look beautiful.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Week 2: Anticipation
March was a lost month. Lost only to farm activities due to cold weather and windy, windy days and nights. It is impossible to work outside in the wind. For me at least. I think the painting is getting a little murky and overgrown with weeds so I must get out my paints! Better news next week I hope. I am anticipating the renewal process.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Week 3&4 - From Snow to Sun
It is an absolutely gorgeous day for winter. Sun and clear blue skies is the reminder or things to come. I'm still frantically working on organizing my genealogy. Next week I fly to Virginia again to see grandkids (so they won't forget me!) I am sure when I return it will be back to the weeds and seeds. I am excited about spring. I hope you are too.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Week 1&2: Crispy Crunchy White
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Week 4 & 5: Canvas of White
The canvas the past two weeks has been white...not because I haven't "painted" anything, but because it has been snowing off and on for two weeks. This has caused me to go into hibernation and seek for solace within my bookshelves some of which are filled with genealogy in need of organization. I have decided that is where I am going to be for the next month...deep in pruning my family trees since its too cold to prune apple trees. Pruning will always lead to healthier trees and a better crop. Does the same rule apply to family trees?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Week 2/3: Farm Photography
Last week I read an article about taking photos of your garden. This idea intrigues me and I think it is my first stroke on my canvas for the year (see last week). Taking photos of things growing or grown and of interest around the garden adds to the creative process of planting, growing, and harvesting. Look for some of the photos I take during the year on this blog.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Week 1: A New Beginning
A new year always spurs one on to new resolutions and organizing and planning. The year stretches before us like a blank canvas waiting for us to paint our dreams and desires onto its waiting whiteness. This is the time that we do the creative planning of what will be on that canvas as the year dream on everyone.
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