Sunday, December 9, 2007

Week 2: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! See you in January with more farm news.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Week 1: Raspberry Jam

Made 100 jars of raspberry jam a week ago and it is already gone...sold. I will continue to have jam available until all of last year's berries are gone.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Week 4: Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy. (Jacques Maritain 1882-1973, philosopher)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 3: Website Update

I have added the process for making lavender essential oil to my website,

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 2: Lavender Varieties

I grow two varieties of lavender. One is lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' and the other is lavendula x intermedia 'Provence.' Both varieties have 24" long stems. Grosso has fat, dark blue-purple buds which make it ideal for dried bunches and loose lavender. The fragrance is heavy and spicy with a hint of camphor. The buds of the Provence variety are light purple and when dried are very light in color; however, their frangrace is more sweet and delicate than Grosso. Most of my lavender oil is made from the Provence buds.

So you see, not all lavender is created equal. When buying plants, ask what variety it is. Is it lavendula or true lavender.?How tall does it get? What kind of spike head does it have? What color is it. What does it smell like? Be sure you know what you are getting.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Week 1: Distilling Lavender Oil

Since distilling lavender oil takes my undivided attention, I now turn to making oil all winter. This works out perfect for the oil because it takes 3-4 months to "cure." I'm not sure that is the right word. Most oils will have some extra odors from the plants that come along for the ride during the process. It takes several months for those odors to evaporate out. The first time I made oil it didn't smell so wonderful. Then I read about letting it sit to cure and sure enough in a few months it had that intoxicating, relaxing fragrance.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 4: Closed for the year

We are officially closed for the year. The store is open by appointment so please call ahead. I continue to ship lavender bunches and other products during the winter and spring as long as the supply lasts. I hope to have my shopping cart up within the month so you can order gifts for Christmas. You can always call me to place an order too.

What's happening on the farm? We continue to get ready for winter...that is the cold and hopefully rain and snow would be good. I will also be stocking up my wood pile for cozy fires in the days to come.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 3: The Winds of Change

The cold and the high winds have let us know that winter is right around the corner. I thought we would be able to squeeze out another weekend of raspberry picking; however, that is not going to be happening. The store will be open on Saturday from 10-12.

What's Happening: I am picking the last of my tomatoes and a few pumpkins. I'll be putting things away for the winter and draining water from pipes and drip lines to keep from having the valves and pipes break like they did last winter.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 2: Chinese Proverb

CHINESE PROVERB: Life begins the day you start a garden.
Even though fall and winter are in the air, your garden for next year begins in your dreams and heart now. Plan now and you won't be caught off guard when the warm days of March and April begin pushing up tulips and daffodils.
WHAT'S HAPPENING? We have had so many cool nights and days that the raspberry leaves are beginning to shrivel up. The berries are small and clumps of berries are few and far between. The store will be open on Saturday as will be the raspberry field for picking. Families looking for a little adventure will find it fun. This will probably be the last weekend for berry picking.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 1: Raspberries and Rooting Lavender

Raspberries: This weekend is a GO for raspberry picking. It may be a little on the chilly side, but hopefully there will be lots of sun. Don't forget to bring a jacket. I picked berries this morning and found that there are still plenty to pick. The treasure hunt is well worth it.

Rooting Lavender: Every year our customers ask for lavender plants. Because of your requests, I am rooting lavender cuttings - about 500 in all. I don't want to get too confident about this process because in the past I have not been to successful at this. Time will tell and I'll keep you posted. If you have any tips for me wrt to rooting woody plants, please pass them on to me.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Today on the Farm

Today was a busy raspberry picking day on the farm. Many visitors to the farm are from out of town who have come up for apple season. Raspberry picking is a happy experience for families and many children go away with faces smeared with raspberries....yum.

The raspberry U-Pick will continue on a week by week basis depending on weather. Hopefully we will have raspberries through October. The U-Pick is available 24/7. Instructions and containers for picking are in front of the store. If you want lavender or products from the store, please come on Saturday between 10-4.

This blog will keep you up to date on the condition of berries for picking. Margaret Dries