Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week 3&4 - From Snow to Sun

It is an absolutely gorgeous day for winter. Sun and clear blue skies is the reminder or things to come. I'm still frantically working on organizing my genealogy. Next week I fly to Virginia again to see grandkids (so they won't forget me!) I am sure when I return it will be back to the weeds and seeds. I am excited about spring. I hope you are too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week 1&2: Crispy Crunchy White

Crispy, crunchy white. That was last week. This week the sun has melted the snow and warmed the earth. It is much like a typical spring day. It is a warning that I need to get out paper and pencil and seeds and make a plan. However, I am still organizing genealogy.