Thursday, September 22, 2016


Also still have U-Pick Raspberries
Also available:  Pumpkins, tomatoes, watermelon, butternut squash, lavender

Monday, August 22, 2016

Sunflowers, Berries, Tomatoes
We still have berries to pick and I have sunflowers until they are gone.  Tomatoes are and will continue to be in great supply.  

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Status of Raspberries

The berries are still a lot smaller than they were two weeks ago, but there are berries out there to pick.  My nieces picked two boxes in a short amount of time yesterday afternoon.

So the berries are in a lull right now.  We will continue to have berries…. because we have always had, berries through October.  It is just that weather, conditions and amount of people picking (or not picking) will result in a fluctuation of production.

We currently also have a ton of tomatoes at the store front and we always have lavender bunches.  Later we should have squashes and corn and perhaps green beans.  Near the end of September we will also have apples after two years of no apples and at the same time we will have pumpkins.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Mid-July brings us Raspberries and Lavender at Dries Farms.  This marks the beginning of the "harvest" which will last through October.  We began picking raspberries 3 weeks ago and the raspberries are crying out..... WE NEED YOU!!  These lovely berries only stay around as long as they get picked everyday.  The best times to pick are early in the morning and late afternoon in order to miss the blazing sun... wear sturdy shoes and a hat.  

The Lavender is beautiful this year and is available now and throughout the year.